i really dont know too much else about my site right now but will definitely post more when i get back from my site visit!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
i know where i´m going to be living!!!
i really dont know too much else about my site right now but will definitely post more when i get back from my site visit!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
exploring costa rica!
I just got back from an awesome field visit – my first of 3. My group (RCD) got split into 2 groups of 9 and we each went to visit 2 current Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) and their sites. So 9 of us went to the
Next weekend is our next field visit. This time we will be going alone to visit a current volunteer. I will be going to Alajeula. After that, we will have another interview and then, two weeks from yesterday (the friday before Passover), we find out our site placements! Nuts, huh?
Anyway, here are a bunch of pictures from our field visit to Guanacaste. I still dont know exactly how to format the page so ill just tell you all about the pictures here. The first picture is my host parents doing kareoke, haha. Then you can see some of us PCVs doing kareoke at a bar in San Jose. The two pictures of the river are from the first site we got to visit. It was the only way to stay cool! Next youll see some interesting animal pictures all from our first site. they only thing ill add to the pictures is to tell you that the frog was living in the toilet of Jake and my homestay. Next comes pictures from the beach - Playa Soley. Theres one of all 9 of us with the amazing view. The land on the right, by the way, is Nicaragua. Then youll see our mode of transportation to our second site, which happens to be a cattle truck thing. The picture of me with another PCV and 2 young girls is at one of our homestays at our second site that we visited. They were super cute. The guy with the leaf hat is my boss. And isnt that waterfall awesome? It took quite a hike to get there but it was def worth it. We got to climb up it kind of and jump off, it was awesome! You can also seem so gorgeous views from the second site.OK, I think that about covers it. Hope everyone is doing well! Miss you all.
(And keep up the calls, emails and letters!)